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The Marshall–Olkin distribution is a multivariate distribution which is for dimension \(d\) parametrized by \(2^{d} - 1\) non-negative parameters for each non-empty subset \(\emptyset \neq I \subseteq {\{ 1 , \ldots, d\}}\). To represent such a distribution in a computer program, we need an efficient way to represent all \(2^{d} - 1\) parameters. The current best-practice, see (Mai and Scherer 2017, 109), is to identify all \(2^{d} - 1\) non-empty subsets with a natural number in \(1, \ldots , 2^{d} - 1\) via a binary representation.

The binary representation

Each natural (non-zero) number \(j\) can be represented by a 0-1-sequence \(c = {\{ c_{k} \}}_{k \in \mathbb{N}} \in {\{ 0, 1 \}}^\mathbb{N}\) with

\[ j = \sum_{k=0}^{\infty}{ c_{k} 2^{k} } , \]

where \(2^{0} = 1\) and all but finitely many \(c_{k}\) are zero.

Proof: The statement is true for \(j = 1\) with \(c_{0} = 1\) and \(c_{k} = 0,\ k > 0\). This representation is also unique. Assume now that the statement is true for all natural numbers smaller than \(j\). If \(j\) is divisible by \(2\), then there exists by induction assumption a sequence \(\tilde{c} = {\{ \tilde{c}_{k} \}}_{k \in \mathbb{N}}\) for \(j / 2\) with

\[ j / 2 = \sum_{k=0}^{\infty}{ \tilde{c}_{k} 2^{k} } . \]


\[ j = \sum_{k=1}^{\infty}{ \tilde{c}_{k-1} 2^{k} } \]

and we can choose \(c_{0} = 0\) and \(c_{k} = \tilde{c}_{k-1},\ k > 0\). If \(j\) is not divisible by \(2\), then \(j-1\) is and there exists by induction assumption a sequence \(\tilde{c} = {\{ \tilde{c}_{k} \}}_{k \in \mathbb{N}}\) for \((j-1)/2\) with

\[ (j-1)/2 = \sum_{k=0}^{\infty}{ \tilde{c}_{k} 2^{k} } . \]


\[ j = 1 + \sum_{k=1}^{\infty}{ \tilde{c}_{k-1} 2^{k} } \]

and we can choose \(c_{0} = 1\) and \(c_{k} = \tilde{c}_{k-1},\ k > 0\). Since each summand with a positive \(c_{k}\) contributes an amount bigger or equal to \(1\) to the sum, it is clear that all but finitely many \(c_{k}\) must be equal to zero.

Uniqueness of the binary representation

It can be proven by induction that the binary representation is unique. To see this, consider two sequences \(\hat{c} = {\{ \hat{c}_{k} \}}_{k \in \mathbb{N}}\), \(c = {\{ c_{k} \}}_{k \in \mathbb{N}} \in {\{ 0 , 1 \}}^\mathbb{N}\) with

\[ \sum_{k=0}^{\infty} c_{k} 2^{k} = \sum_{k=0}^{\infty} \hat{c}_{k} 2^{k} . \]

It is easy to see, that this number is even if and only if \(c_{0} = 0\) and odd if and only if \(c_{0} = 1\). Hence, we can w.l.o.g. assume that \(c_{0} = \hat{c}_{0} = 0\), i.e., the number is even. By dividing both sides by two, we obtain

\[ \sum_{k=0}^{\infty}{ c_{k+1} 2^{k} } = \sum_{k=0}^{\infty}{ \hat{c}_{k+1} 2^{k} } . \]

With the induction assumption, we get the claim.

Integer division

Integer division is defined as follows

\[ / : \mathbb{N}_{0}^{2} \to \mathbb{N}_{0}, {(k, n)} \mapsto \sup{\{ j \in \mathbb{N}_{0} \ :\ j\cdot k \leq n \}} . \]

For \(n = 2\) an equivalent definition is

\[ k / 2 = \begin{cases} i & k = i \cdot 2,\ k\ \text{even or}\ k=0 , \\ (k-1)/2 & k\ \text{odd} . \end{cases} \]

If we define

\[ 2^{n} = \underbrace{ 2 \cdot \ldots \cdot 2 }_{n\ \text{times}} , \]

we can easily see that

\[ j / 2^{n} = j \underbrace{/ 2 / \ldots / 2}_{n\ \text{times}} . \]

This means

\[ j / 2^{n} = {\left( \sum_{k=0}^{\infty}{ c_{k} 2^{k} } \right)} / 2^n = \sum_{k=0}^{\infty}{ c_{n+k} 2^{k} } . \]

Consequently, we have

\[ c_{n} = {( j / 2^{n} )} \ \mathrm{mod}\ 2 . \]

Iterating through binary representations

A natural question is, if we can easily determine the binary representation of \(j+1\) directly from the binary representation of \(j\).

Consider a natural number with its binary representation

\[ j = \sum_{k=0}^{\infty}{ c_{k} 2^{k} } \]

and let

\[ k^{\ast} = \min{\{ i \ :\ c_{i} = 0 \}} . \]

Then (by the geometric sum formula)

\[ 1 = 2^{k^{\ast}} - {\left( 2^{k^{\ast}} - 1 \right)} = 2^{k^{\ast}} - \sum_{i=0}^{k^{\ast} - 1}{ 2^{i} } . \]

Hence, with

\[ \tilde{c}_k = \begin{cases} 0 & k < k^{\ast} , \\ 1 & k = k^{\ast} , \\ c_{k} & k > k^{\ast} , \end{cases} \]

we have

\[ j+1 = \sum_{k=0}^{\infty}{ \tilde{c}_{k} 2^{k} } . \]

The MO parameter mapping

We choose the following bijections to store all Marshall-Olkin parameters in a vector of length \(2^{d} - 1\):

\[ T : \mathcal{P}{({\{ 1 , \ldots, d \}} \setminus \emptyset)} \to \{ 1 , \ldots, 2^{d} - 1 \}, \ I \mapsto \sum_{i=1}^{d}{ 1_{\{ i \in I \}} 2^{i-1} } . \]

\[ T^{-1} : {\{ 1 , \ldots, 2^{d} - 1 \}} \to \mathcal{P}{({\{ 1 , \ldots, d\}} \setminus \emptyset)}, \ j \mapsto {\{ i \ :\ (j / 2^{i-1}) \ \mathrm{mod}\ 2 = 1 \}} . \]


Mai, Jan-Frederik, and Matthias Scherer. 2017. Simulating Copulas: Stochastic Models, Sampling Algorithms and Applications. 2nd ed. Series in Quantitative Finance. World Scientific.