The following demonstrates on a simplified problem how using
simplifies numerical integration in Rcpp
compared to using R’s C API. 1 Suppose, we want need to evaluate the upper
incomplete Gamma function \[
\Gamma{(\alpha, x)}
= \int_{x}^{\infty}{
\exp{\{ - u \}} u^{\alpha-1}
} ,
\quad x > 0 ,
\] for values \(\alpha \in
\mathbb{R}\), \(x \geq 0\).23
An implementation with integratecpp
As integratecpp
requires C++11, we use the Rcpp plugin
and link to the includes directory of
using the depends attribute
Next, we include the STL header <cmath>
for using
and we include the header
Finally, we implement our function using the
interface to Rdqagi
// [[Rcpp::export]]
double gamma_inc(const double alpha, const double x) {
// NOTE: integrand implemented as capturing lambda
const auto fn = [alpha](const double u) {
return std::exp(-u) * std::pow(u, alpha - 1.);
// NOTE: throws if integration error occurs
const auto result = integratecpp::integrate(
fn, x, std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity());
return result.value;
# R
## demo with sane input
gamma_inc(-0.5, 1)
#> [1] 0.1781477
## demo with not so sane input
tryCatch(gamma_inc(0, 0), error = function(cond) print(cond))
#> <integratecpp::bad_integrand_error in eval(expr, envir, enclos): extremely bad integrand behaviour>
tryCatch(gamma_inc(0, -1), error = function(cond) print(cond))
#> <integratecpp::integration_runtime_error in eval(expr, envir, enclos): non-finite function value>
Note, that in this basic form, using integratecpp
wrapper requires only the following two things:
- A
object which is invocable with typeconst double
and yields a result convertible todouble
. Roughly, an object that can be used to constructstd::function<double(const double)>
, e.g., a suitable lambda expression. - A call to
Optionally, integration parameters can be changed, exceptions can be captured and handled, and the integration error estimate can be further examined.
An implementation without integratecpp
The following implementation uses R’s C API instead of the
wrapper and hints how the wrapper works
internally. First, we need to include the header for R’s C entry-points
for the integration routines Rdqags
Then, we require some STL headers for handling data:
#include <algorithm> // std::transform
#include <utility> // std::make_pair, std::pair
#include <vector> // std::vector
Also, we need more STL headers and the Rcpp header for exception and error handling:
#include <exception> // std::exception_ptr, std::make_exception_ptr,
// std::rethrow_exception, std::current_exception
#include <stdexcept> // std::exception, std::runtime_error
#include <Rcpp.h> // Rcpp::stop
Finally, we can implement the upper incomplete Gamma function:
// [[Rcpp::export]]
double gamma_inc_direct(const double alpha, const double x) {
// NOTE: integrand implemented as capturing lambda
const auto fn = [alpha](const double u) {
return std::exp(-u) * std::pow(u, alpha - 1.);
// create bounds parameters for `Rdqagi`
double bound = x;
int inf = 1;
// initialize output variables for integration results
double result;
double abserr;
int last;
int neval;
// initialize configuration parameters
int limit = 100;
double epsrel = 0.0001220703125;
double epsabs = epsrel;
int lenw = 4 * limit;
// initialize working array
auto iwork = std::vector<int>(limit);
auto work = std::vector<double>(lenw);
// initialize variable for error code
int ier = 0;
// NOTE: `Rdqagi` requires a function pointer with signature
// `void(*)(double *, int, void *)` and a void pointer
// `void *` passed to the callback as the last argument
const auto fn_callback = [](double *x, int n, void *ex) {
// cast `void *` to original type and create references
// to the `Callable` and the exception pointer
using ex_t = std::pair<decltype(fn), std::exception_ptr>;
auto &fn_integrand = (*static_cast<ex_t *>(ex)).first;
auto &e_ptr = (*static_cast<ex_t *>(ex)).second;
// evaluate `Callable` at *in-out* pointer-to-array `x`
// and catch possible exceptions in exception pointer
try {
std::transform(&x[0], &x[n], &x[0], fn_integrand);
} catch (const std::exception& e) {
e_ptr = std::current_exception();
// store a runtime exception in the exception pointer
// if any results are infinite
if (!std::all_of(&x[0], &x[n],
[](const double x) {
return std::isfinite(x);
})) {
e_ptr = std::make_exception_ptr(
std::runtime_error("non-finite function value"));
// create pair with `Callable` and exception pointer
// (`nullptr` on initialization) as external data for
// callback function
auto ex = std::make_pair(fn, std::exception_ptr());
// call C-method `Rdqagi`
Rdqagi(fn_callback, &ex, &bound, &inf, &epsabs, &epsrel, &result,
&abserr, &neval, &ier, &limit, &lenw, &last,,;
// rethrow possible exceptions during function evaluation
if (ex.second) std::rethrow_exception(ex.second);
// throw `Rcpp::exception` if integration error occurred
if (ier > 0) Rcpp::stop("Integration error");
return result;
# R
## demo with sane input
gamma_inc_direct(-0.5, 1)
#> [1] 0.1781477
## demo with not so sane input
tryCatch(gamma_inc_direct(0, 0), error = function(cond) print(cond))
#> <Rcpp::exception in eval(expr, envir, enclos): Integration error>
tryCatch(gamma_inc_direct(0, -1), error = function(cond) print(cond))
#> <std::runtime_error in eval(expr, envir, enclos): non-finite function value>